Oct 022022

A hard scat lesbian who sucks out poop while licking anal and receives juice together. Extreme transformation! Pleasure to dirty the face of a friend.

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Oct 012022

The 17th series that knocks women down with scatology shame. Blame a 20-year-old active female college student with words and commit anal! Thoroughly train the fat belly that shakes every time you poke the anus, the thick red swollen buttocks, and the fat sow!

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Sep 262022


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Sep 252022

Saxophonist Maki will appear again in the opera. Pledge allegiance to the trainer and bond the plump body! In addition, she emits a big fart from her big buttocks, and excretes feces, and excretes blush! Maki’s de M propensity that can not be seen in usual performances blooms!

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Sep 252022

The best of hard scat work that does the best of torture until just before the shooting is interrupted. It is packed with shocking scatology torture, such as an iron hook inserted into the anus to tear the anus, covered in candles and brutally whipped, and 15 consecutive enema shots that surprise even the torturer.

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Sep 242022

●パンティで便漏れ 日常生活でトイレで排便するのが常識なら、それは大きな間違いであり、とても恥ずかしい行為です。しかし、そんな馬鹿げたことに興奮と恍惚を感じる女性が世の中にはいます。この作品は、「人前でパンツをはいて大便を漏らしたくなる独特の性癖」を持つ女性たちの、欲望と排便をさらけ出す姿を収めた作品です。いわゆるドヤ娘達は恍惚とした表情を浮かべ、音を立てながらパンティに糞を吐き出す。パンティの隙間に入りきらない糞が床を覆ってしまう女性もいました。恥と快楽が表裏一体の獣女たちの卑猥な排便と悪臭パンティをご覧ください。

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Sep 162022

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Sep 142022

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