Feb 102024

Pantypooping, the act of leaking feces while clothed. Marina resists the urge to take her enema, but she reaches her limit and leaks her feces onto her denim shorts. When I leave her alone, she puts on a cloth diaper and defecates like a baby. she wears a leotard

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Feb 072024

お腹が膨れるほどオナラと便が溜まってしまいました。 その全てを吐き出すためか、女たちは魅惑的に美尻を両手で広げて糞便を漏らす。
– 肛門近くの尻肉をパックリと開き、大便直下のカメラで挑発するかのようにオナラや大便を撮影。
――そのしなやかな指でお尻を開くと、排便時にピンク色の肛門が収縮し、白日の光にさらされます。 大きなアナルアングル。
– 和式トイレに座る日本の伝統的な美しい排便ポーズ。 ウンチを出す後ろ姿を正面から見ると凛々しい姿。 美しい後ろ姿。

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Feb 062024

A girl who shoplifted due to her youthful impulses. She wasn’t allowed to pay for it, but she was lucky that the clerk was a pervert. She is irresistible just to be stripped naked and penetrated, but an enema is shoved into her ass and he even defecates. I’m sure these girls won’t shoplift in the future.

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Feb 052024

A collection of maniac videos containing the ultimate pleasurable enema act that fills the rectum with excreted filth. Ignore all hygiene considerations. Use an extra-large enema to fill your intestines with waste. I get chills when I see a painful reaction…

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Feb 052024

Scat video delivered daily x gender. At one point, she was masturbating while squeezing his erect dick. Or a cute cosplay girl farts and poops while blushing. It feels good to poop for both men and women!

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Feb 052024

An insane piece of work has been completed in which an enema is given to the anus of an unsuspecting girl and then sex is performed. The expression on the girl’s face, which oscillates between pleasure and patience, is worth seeing even if you are not an enthusiast. This is the birth of a super problematic work.

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Feb 042024

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Feb 032024

映画館で一番困るのは、人体の生理現象である排尿・排便です。 上映前からお腹に違和感を感じる人も多く、スナック菓子をつまみながら映画を観ていると腹痛に襲われる人もいる。 映画の興奮に比例して便意も最高潮に達します。 こうなると冷静でいられなくなり、肛門括約筋に全神経を集中させてお尻の穴を締めてしまいます。 ストーリーに引き込まれながらも、なんとか劇場を抜け出し、トイレへの最短ルートをウサギのように走っていきました。 トイレにまたがるとすぐにパンティを下ろし、我慢の副作用で硬くなったうんちを出してしまいます。 痛みが和らぐのもつかの間、彼女は尻を拭く前に劇場へ猛ダッシュした。 彼女たちが織りなす数々のドラマを心ゆくまでお楽しみください。

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Jan 292024

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Jan 272024


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Jan 252024

Tall and perfect body! Aya Tamano, a beautiful woman with super thick bomb hips, has released her anal! Her tight undeveloped anus is expanded with a toy and she defecates… it is covered with undigested soft feces. Licking poop and drinking urine for the first time in my life while getting teary-eyed. When she showed off her special skill in swimming, her tight competitive swimsuit was removed and a cock penetrated her virgin anus. Scream with pain and pleasure! A large amount of enema liquid and urine is inserted into the anus and a large ejaculation juice gushes out!

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